
La’Ticia Nicole Beatty

La’Ticia Nicole Beatty

Circle of Champions Director


$100,000.00 Ring Earner
$50,000.00 Bonus Earner
$10,000.00 Bonus Earner ( 5 times! )

La'Ticia Co-Hosts the "Level Up" Coaching Call with the Circle of Champions Directors every Monday Night at 9:30 pm EST
Phone: 667-770-1523 | Pin: 474 053#

My mission is to empower, encourage and equip women and girls with the keys to transform their destiny through sacrifice and stengh. To help them conquer their fears and be who God created them to be.


I am a 3 time best seller award winning author, Community Philanthropist, Minister in Training, Full Time Nursing Home Administrator, Life Coach, Wife, Mother, and always a work in progress.
The reason I decided to invest in this business is because every year I have a #Speaklife conference and retreat, teaching on how to speak life into people relationships, health, wealth and finances. I wanted to give my participates better prices on rooms and flights and this company proved to have the best program.


In order to succeed in this business you must shut the naysayers, doubters and “remember when you was broke & broken friends out”. You are embarking on a new phase of your life that will require a new circle and a new mindset.