I’ve been involved in the travel industry since 2001 because I’ve always loved to travel and had the desire to do it well economically. I joined our previous company when I went to a presentation with the purpose of selling the presenter some pre-ordered skin care. Well I never made that sale, but I signed up in the business that night when I saw the opportunity to accomplish my goals. At first I just told my friends what I had done and a couple of them decided to join me. I became 3 & Free almost immediately. But I still was only interested in finding low-cost ways to travel. On a whim however, I named my business “Denari” an old form of money, but actually represents the combination of DENise and ARIane, my daughter.
I work for a local government agency and it wasn’t until a couple of years later, when I recognized I had made some poor retirement choices. Being around my upline Director Arlyne Thompson more and more and hearing Juliet St. John’s story, I realized that I could potentially overcome those bad decisions utilizing the resources of my home-based travel business. That’s when I became committed.
Although I still work, my determination and consistency has shown me how close I am to the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve developed camaraderie and friendships with my team and other members of our company because we’re on the same mission. I’m looking forward to some great adventures in the coming months and years and hope, as a leader, I can inspire others to join us along that path.